
Best Troy Divorce Lawyer

Best Troy Divorce Lawyer

If you, your spouse, or both of you together have made the difficult determination that you need a divorce, it’s not only a complex emotional crossroads but also a challenging legal matter that will directly affect your finances and parental rights into the future. If this is the difficult situation you find yourself in, reach out for the professional legal counsel of the best Troy divorce lawyer. 

Resolving the Terms of Your Divorce

To obtain a divorce, you will need to resolve the terms that apply to you, which can include any combination of the following:

  • Child custody
  • Child support 
  • The division of marital property
  • Alimony 

Child Custody and Child Support

In any divorce that involves shared minor children, the divorce terms of both child custody and child support must be addressed. Child custody can be broken down into the following two primary components:

  • Legal custody, which determines how you and your ex will address the matter of making primary parenting decisions, including those related to your children’s schooling, health care, religious education, and extracurricular activities
  • Physical custody, which sets the schedule by which you and your ex will divide your time with your children and which can involve a primary custodial parent or a more equal division of parenting time between you

Child support is the payment system directed by the State of Michigan that helps to ensure both parents continue contributing to their children’s financial support. While many variables can play a role in the calculation process, the parent who earns more typically makes the child support payments.

The Division of Marital Property

If you, your spouse, or both of you together acquired an asset or property while you were married, it is a marital asset that will need to be addressed in the fair division of your marital property. This is the one term that applies across all divorces, and it has the potential to be one of the most challenging aspects of any divorce. 


Many divorces bypass the matter of alimony entirely, but if divorce leaves either of you unable to continue supporting yourself financially while the other has the financial ability to help, alimony could be an important factor. Alimony is designed to allow the recipient the financial assistance they need to become more self-sufficient through additional job training or further education.

The Court’s Role

If you and your divorcing spouse are able to negotiate every applicable term of divorce between yourselves – with the skilled assistance of your respective divorce attorneys – you’ll look to the court to sign off on them. If any terms remain unresolved after you’ve exhausted your ability to hammer out compromises, however, you’ll need the court to make the remaining determinations on your behalf.

The Best Troy Divorce Lawyer Is Standing by to Help

The practiced Troy divorce lawyers at the Law Offices of Robbins & Licavoli are well prepared to help you resolve your divorce terms as favorably as possible. Your case and your future are important, so please don’t hesitate to contact us for more information today.

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